- Great Hearts North Phoenix Prep, Serving Grades 6-12 - https://northphoenixprep.greatheartsamerica.org -

NPX Weekly Newsletter 1.29.21


School Dates to Note:

  • Feb 5              Half Day-Great Hearts Teacher Inservice
  • Feb 12            Asynchronous Learning Day
  • Feb 12-15      R&R Weekend
  • Feb 15            No School-President’s Day
  • Mar 3             Asynchronous Learning Day
  • Mar 15-19     Spring Break
Table of Contents:

  1. Updates from the Headmaster [1]
  2. Academy Giving [2]
  3. Reminders and Action Items [3]
  4. Events, Culture, and Clubs [4]
  5. College Counseling Corner [5]

Updates from the Headmaster

A Note from the Headmaster

Dear Gladiator Families,

I have never seen resilience like I have this school year. Students are thriving despite technology issues, masks, zones, quarantines, and shut downs. Yesterday I observed students reading and discussing The Merchant of Venice, Dante, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I watched 8th graders solve permutations and combinations and 11th graders derive the Law of Conservation of Energy. How sweet it is to know that no matter what is going in the world around us we can stay rooted in this beautiful education. I am reminded that Great-hearted students are prepared for the 21st century because they learn skills to discern, to ask questions, to invite dialogue, and to be a skeptic.

These students are our future.

While the future is bright, let us never forget those that have come before us and what we can learn from their journey. Below is one of my favorite poems by Maya Angelou, Caged Bird. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. It is always good to put our own struggles into perspective and to seek a deeper meaning to life. We yearn for freedom from life’s restrictions now- what can we learn from Angelou?

Caged Bird


A free bird leaps

on the back of the wind

and floats downstream

till the current ends

and dips his wing

in the orange sun rays

and dares to claim the sky.


But a bird that stalks

down his narrow cage

can seldom see through

his bars of rage

his wings are clipped and

his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing.


The caged bird sings

with a fearful trill

of things unknown

but longed for still

and his tune is heard

on the distant hill

for the caged bird

sings of freedom.


The free bird thinks of another breeze

and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees

and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn

and he names the sky his own


But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams

his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream

his wings are clipped and his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing.


The caged bird sings

with a fearful trill

of things unknown

but longed for still

and his tune is heard

on the distant hill

for the caged bird

sings of freedom.


Upcoming Headmaster Chat

All in-person student families are invited to attend a Headmaster Chat on Thursday, February 4th at 8:30am.

Link: https://greathearts.zoom.us/j/5982813718?pwd=V0xVaFlvQWo2NnNiN1RLS0hUNElKdz09 Meeting ID: 598 281 3718 Passcode: 519009 [7]

Asynchronous Days

Friday, January 29th is an asynchronous, remote learning day for all prep students. All prep students will access their assignments via Google Classroom.

The next remote learning day are: February 12th (new date) and March 3rd.

Thank you for your flexibility as we provide these days to our amazing teachers for respite and planning time.

COVID-19 Tracker and Reminder

Do you want to stay up to date on all COVID-19 cases in the NPX community?

We have a COVID-19 tracker on our website that is updated nightly to reflect new cases. We will continue to update the community as cases come up, but sometimes those communications take up to 48 hours as we prioritize close contacts and planning associated with teacher quarantines. The tracker is a quick and easy way to check each day, if you’d like.

Please also remember to stay home if you are exhibiting symptoms or suspect exposure to Covid-19. It is extremely important that we continue to act with an abundance of caution and keep COVID-19 off of our campus. We have been able to keep our school open for almost five months and this is because of every family, teacher, staff, and community member doing their part.

Corinne Jacobson

Headmaster, North Phoenix Prep

Academy Giving

We are 98% to our $155,000 Community Investment Goal!  Give here. [8]

Your Donations = Free Money

When you donate to our Community Investment campaign and/or the Tax Credit drive, please check with your employer about a matching program. [9] This is an easy way for your donations to make an even greater impact for our school!

Please ask your HR department about this opportunity, if you have any questions, reach out to our Academy Giving Manager, Jackie Curtis jcurtis@northphoenixprep.org [10].

Learn more about our Matching Gift Program and how you can support NPX through Community Investment [8] and our Tax Credit Drive [11].

visit Northphoenixprep.org/support [12]

Thank you to our generous donors! 

**In late January, you will receive an email containing your 2020 Giving Summary.

Please be aware of the following:

·         Each summary is sent separately, so expect to receive two emails if you made donations to both Archway and Prep.

§  Your 2020 Giving Summary will include donations to:

o    Community Investment

o    Tax Credit

o    Teacher Excellence Fund

o    Capital Campaign Designated Gifts

·         This is the last year giving summaries will be provided; all future gifts via credit card will be receipted by email at the time a donation is made. 

Thank you for your consistent and generous support of our wonderful school!

Questions: Contact our Academy Giving Manager, Jackie Curtis jcurtis@northphoenixprep.org [13]


Reminders and Action Items

From the Desk of the Office Manager

Donated Items Needed

If you are already looking forward to some spring cleaning and happen to have a vertical or horizontal filing cabinet of which you are no longer in need, please connect with me. I have some teachers who would be very appreciative!

Flag in Need of Retirement

Calling all boy scouts! If there are any scouts out there in the NPX community who would be willing to hold a flag retirement ceremony, we would much appreciate it as NPX is in great need of a new American flag. Please reach out to me if you are willing and able.

Angie Nelson

Office Manager

Greatful Hearts Campaign

The Greatful Hearts Campaign (formerly called Snowstorm) has begun!  Now through February 10th, the PSO will be accepting monetary donations to be dispersed to NPX teachers on Friday, February 12th. Foam hearts will also be offered to students so they can write their favorite teacher or staff member a note. Deposit your hearts at the tree along the prep building curb.

Please help shower our teachers with gratitude!

After School Pick Up Reminders


Please remember: unauthorized use of the Elks Lodge Parking Lot is not permitted at any time. This lot is private property and may only be used by Elks Lodge members. Thank you in advance.

Archway COVID Update

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Dear North Phoenix Families,

I am reaching out to update you on a recent development in third grade on the Archway North Phoenix campus. My goal is to keep you informed and to be as transparent with you as possible so that we can work together to protect one another’s health and safety.

We learned an individual in third grade tested positive for COVID-19. Through our incident response protocol, we have identified and personally notified all families of students and faculty who would be considered close contacts. Those people will be quarantined according to guidance from the Maricopa County Department of Health. If you have not been contacted, this means that you have not been identified as a close contact. To maintain privacy, we cannot divulge any additional information.

As a reminder, if at any time your student shows symptoms, please keep your student home, notify the school nurse, and have your scholar tested. By adhering to these practices, though it isn’t a guarantee of a completely risk-free environment, we are able to minimize as much as possible the spread to other parts of our community.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

In partnership,

Geri Parker | Headmaster

gparker@archwaynorthphoenix.org [14]

Events, Culture, and Clubs

Nominate a Teacher for the Silver Apple Award!

Until March 12th, 3TV and Arizona Bank and Trust will be taking nominations for their Silver Apple Teacher Excellence Award. Nominate a teacher by filling out the linked form and describing “Why is this teacher special?” on the form.

www.azfamily.com [15]

The Senate is Selling Candygrams!

The Senate is now selling candygrams! Your student can purchase candygrams at lunch and write a note to their friend or teacher. The candygrams will be delivered on February 11th during the 6th hour. The cost is only $1.00. Candygrams will consist of a chocolate-covered strawberry and a chocolate-covered marshmallow. All proceeds go towards funding our junior and senior prom.

College Counseling Corner

Senior Feature

Alina Boorse

The gold award, it is a sustainable project planned and carried out by a singular girl, making it the highest award in Girl Scouts, which Alina Boorse earned just last December. For her project, she developed a curriculum to inspire kids to think and act sustainably, so that future generations might properly care for our planet, ensuring its survival. She taught her curriculum at workshops across the valley as well as virtually, raising a generation to speak and fight for our planet.

Virtual College Fair


Mrs. Tier Martin, College Counselor

Contact Information
Angie Nelson, Office Manager
anelson@northphoenixprep.org [16]
Websites and Links
NPX Website [17]Athletics [18]

Payment Portal [19]

Calendar [20]

ACTA GLADIATOR Student News [21]

PSO Website [22]

Great Hearts Academies would like to continue connecting with you via email. If you prefer to be removed from our list, please contact Great Hearts Academies directly. To stop receiving all email messages distributed through our SchoolMessenger service, follow this link and confirm: Unsubscribe [23]

SchoolMessenger is a notification service used by the nation’s leading school systems to connect with parents, students and staff through voice, SMS text, email, and social media.